Monday 18 November 2013

How to help prevent the cold and flu this winter?

The winter months bring crisp weather, comfy sweaters, and often the hallmark sniffling and sneezing of the common cold or a flu. While there is no cure, there are several simple steps you can take to ensure that the colder months are spent snuggling in front of the fire instead of sneezing into a box of tissues.

1.Be knowledgeable about the basics of colds and the flu.
Both the cold and the flu (short for influenza) are caused by a virus. A virus is a small infectious organism that needs to live inside a cell to replicate itself, killing the host cell but not before the virus is spread. Cold viruses infect the upper respiratory tract cells, while the flu virus impacts cells deeper down in the respiratory tract and has more severe symptoms than the cold virus.

2.Practice good hygiene. The principal means for transferring a virus is through contact with an infected person. As such, it is important to wash hands frequently and to cover the mouth and nose when sneezing, using a tissue or handkerchief to cover your nose and mouth. Doing this may prevent those around you from getting sick.

3.Avoid contact or being in close proximity with people who have a cold or the flu where possible. Stay home if you're sick and keep sick children and householders at home when they're sick, to prevent spreading the cold or flu. Doing this will help prevent others from catching the illness from you or from other householders.

4.Keep as healthy as you can by taking good care of yourself. There are sleep, well-being and nutritional considerations to take into account when trying to prevent the onset of a cold or flu. While it isn't proven that healthy practices prevent getting a cold or flu, a healthy lifestyle helps your immune system to be in its best possible shape, giving you the best chance of being able to fight off the onset of a cold or flu.

I personally use my own cold and flu kit made with essential oils which are full of anti-bacterial and immune system booting properties: 

Vapor Rub (60ml) - great from rubbing on soles of feet at night, to help clear the chest.
Open Sinus inhaler - helps clear the head and nose.
I need to stay healthy oil blend (10ml) - anti-bacterial and infection fighting oil blend, to diffuse, add to the bath or massage into your skin.

                       Cold and Flu Kit
For more information on the Cold and Flu Kit or to purchase a kit visit

5.Consider supplements
Many supplements are suggested for warding off illness. In many cases, the jury is still out on their effectiveness at actually preventing the onset of the cold or flu, but if you view supplements as a means for boosting the effectiveness of your immune system rather than as targeted prevention solutions, then these can be a part of your overall cold and flu warding-off arsenal, in tandem with practicing good hygiene and healthy lifestyle choices. As with any supplement, do your research, talk to your health professional, and be totally aware of the possible side effects for your own individual case before taking any of them.

6.Get vaccinated. The flu can be prevented or lessened through vaccinations, and vaccines change from year to year to keep up with the viral changes so that they target the most likely flu doing the rounds for that season. People who have lowered immunity, including the very young and those over 50, can benefit from having a flu vaccination but be sure to do your research before seeking one, as you need to be satisfied that this is the most appropriate approach to warding off influenza in your own case.

7.Stay warm. Although getting cold doesn't actually cause a cold or flu (the viruses do), being cold can reduce your stamina and make you feel miserable and fatigued. If your body feels cold and you have already been exposed to the flu or cold virus, your personal reaction to the cold may be enough to allow the flu or cold to take hold.

Some information from this blog is from 

Monday 4 November 2013

Why do we worry and how to stop?

How to Stop Worrying

Self-Help Strategies for Anxiety Relief   

Self-Help for Anxiety Relief
Worrying can be helpful when it spurs you to take action and solve a problem. But if you’re preoccupied with “what ifs” and worst-case scenarios, worry becomes a problem. Unrelenting doubts and fears can be paralyzing. They can sap your emotional energy, send your anxiety levels soaring, and interfere with your daily life. But chronic worrying is a mental habit that can be broken. You can train your brain to stay calm and look at life from a more positive perspective.
Why is it so hard to stop worrying?

Constant worrying takes a heavy toll. It keeps you up at night and makes you tense and edgy during the day. You hate feeling like a nervous wreck. So why is it so difficult to stop worrying?
For most chronic worriers, the anxious thoughts are fueled by the beliefs—both negative and positive—they hold about worrying.
On the negative side, you may believe that your constant worrying is harmful, that it’s going to drive you crazy or affect your physical health. Or you may worry that you’re going to lose all control over your worrying—that it will take over and never stop.
On the positive side, you may believe that your worrying helps you avoid bad things, prevents problems, prepares you for the worst, or leads to solutions.
Negative beliefs, or worrying about worrying, add to your anxiety and keep worry going. But positive beliefs about worrying can be just as damaging. It’s tough to break the worry habit if you believe that your worrying protects you. In order to stop worry and anxiety for good, you must give up your belief that worrying serves a positive purpose. Once you realize that worrying is the problem, not the solution, you can regain control of your worried mind.

Why you keep worrying

You have mixed feelings about your worries. On one hand, your worries are bothering you—you can't sleep, and you can't get these pessimistic thoughts out of your head. But there is a way that these worries make sense to you. For example, you think:
  • Maybe I'll find a solution.
  • I don't want to overlook anything.
  • If I keep thinking a little longer, maybe I'll figure it out.
  • I don't want to be surprised.
  • I want to be responsible.
You have a hard time giving up on your worries because, in a sense, your worries have been working for you.
Source: The Worry Cure: Seven Steps to Stop Worry from Stopping You by Robert L. Leahy, Ph.D.

Worry and anxiety self-help tip #1: Create a worry period

It’s tough to be productive in your daily life when anxiety and worry are dominating your thoughts. But what can you do? If you’re like many chronic worriers, your anxious thoughts feel uncontrollable. You’ve tried lots of things, from distracting yourself, reasoning with your worries, and trying to think positive, but nothing seems to work.

Why trying to stop anxious thoughts doesn’t work

Telling yourself to stop worrying doesn’t work—at least not for long. You can distract yourself or suppress anxious thoughts for a moment, but you can’t banish them for good. In fact, trying to do so often makes them stronger and more persistent.
You can test this out for yourself. Close your eyes and picture a pink elephant. Once you can see the pink elephant in your mind, stop thinking about it. Whatever you do, for the next five minutes, don’t think about pink elephants!
How did you do? Did thoughts of pink elephants keep popping in your brain?
“Thought stopping” backfires because it forces you to pay extra attention to the very thought you want to avoid. You always have to be watching for it, and this very emphasis makes it seem even more important.
But that doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do to control your worry. You just need to try a different approach. This is where the strategy of postponing worrying comes in. Rather than trying to stop or get rid of an anxious thought, give yourself permission to have it, but put off thinking any more about it until later.

Learning to postpone worrying:

  1. Create a “worry period.” Choose a set time and place for worrying. It should be the same every day (e.g. in the living room from 5:00 to 5:20 p.m.) and early enough that it won’t make you anxious right before bedtime. During your worry period, you’re allowed to worry about whatever’s on your mind. The rest of the day, however, is a worry-free zone.
  2. Postpone your worry. If an anxious thought or worry comes into your head during the day, make a brief note of it on paper and postpone it to your worry period. Remind yourself that you’ll have time to think about it later, so there’s no need to worry about it right now. Save it for later and continue to go about your day.
  3. Go over your “worry list” during the worry period. Reflect on the worries you wrote down during the day. If the thoughts are still bothering you, allow yourself to worry about them, but only for the amount of time you’ve specified for your worry period. If the worries don’t seem important any more, cut your worry period short and enjoy the rest of your day.
Postponing worrying is effective because it breaks the habit of dwelling on worries in the present moment. Yet there’s no struggle to suppress the thought or judge it. You simply save it for later. As you develop the ability to postpone your anxious thoughts, you’ll start to realize that you have more control over your worrying than you think.

Worry and anxiety self-help tip #2: Ask yourself if the problem is solvable

Research shows that while you’re worrying, you temporarily feel less anxious. Running over the problem in your head distracts you from your emotions and makes you feel like you’re getting something accomplished. But worrying and problem solving are two very different things.
Problem solving involves evaluating a situation, coming up with concrete steps for dealing with it, and then putting the plan into action. Worrying, on the other hand, rarely leads to solutions. No matter how much time you spend dwelling on worst-case scenarios, you’re no more prepared to deal with them should they actually happen.

Distinguish between solvable and unsolvable worries

If a worry pops into your head, start by asking yourself whether the problem is something you can actually solve. The following questions can help:
  • Is the problem something you’re currently facing, rather than an imaginary what-if?
  • If the problem is an imaginary what-if, how likely is it to happen? Is your concern realistic?
  • Can you do something about the problem or prepare for it, or is it out of your control?
Productive, solvable worries are those you can take action on right away. For example, if you’re worried about your bills, you could call your creditors to see about flexible payment options. Unproductive, unsolvable worries are those for which there is no corresponding action. “What if I get cancer someday?” or “What if my kid gets into an accident?”
If the worry is solvable, start brainstorming. Make a list of all the possible solutions you can think of. Try not to get too hung up on finding the perfect solution. Focus on the things you have the power to change, rather than the circumstances or realities beyond your control. After you’ve evaluated your options, make a plan of action. Once you have a plan and start doing something about the problem, you’ll feel much less worried.

Dealing with unsolvable worries

But what if the worry isn’t something you can solve? If you’re a chronic worrier, the vast majority of your anxious thoughts probably fall in this camp. In such cases, it’s important to tune into your emotions.
As previously mentioned, worrying helps you avoid unpleasant emotions. Worrying keeps you in your head, thinking about how to solve problems rather than allowing yourself to feel the underlying emotions. But you can’t worry your emotions away. While you’re worrying, your feelings are temporarily suppressed, but as soon as you stop, the tension and anxiety bounces back. And then, you start worrying about your feelings, “What’s wrong with me? I shouldn't feel this way!”

Learn how emotional savvy reduces worry

Watch 2:50 min. video: Developing emotional awareness
The only way out of this vicious cycle is by learning to embrace your feelings. This may seem scary at first because of negative beliefs you have about emotions. For example, you may believe that you should always be rational and in control, that your feelings should always make sense, or that you shouldn't feel certain emotions, such as fear or anger.
The truth is that emotions—like life—are messy. They don’t always make sense and they’re not always pleasant. But as long as you can accept your feelings as part of being human, you’ll be able to experience them without becoming overwhelmed and learn how to use them to your advantage. The following tips will help you find a better balance between your intellect and your emotions.

Worry and anxiety self-help tip #3: Accept uncertainty

The inability to tolerate uncertainty plays a huge role in anxiety and worry. Chronic worriers can’t stand doubt or unpredictability. They need to know with 100 percent certainty what’s going to happen. Worrying is seen as a way to predict what the future has in store—a way to prevent unpleasant surprises and control the outcome. The problem is, it doesn’t work.
Thinking about all the things that could go wrong doesn’t make life any more predictable. You may feel safer when you’re worrying, but it’s just an illusion. Focusing on worst-case scenarios won’t keep bad things from happening. It will only keep you from enjoying the good things you have in the present. So if you want to stop worrying, start by tackling your need for certainty and immediate answers.

Challenging intolerance of uncertainty: The key to anxiety relief

Ask yourself the following questions and write down your responses. See if you can come to an understanding of the disadvantages and problems of being intolerant of uncertainty.
  • Is it possible to be certain about everything in life?
  • What are the advantages of requiring certainty, versus the disadvantages? Or, how is needing certainty in life helpful and unhelpful?
  • Do you tend to predict bad things will happen just because they are uncertain? Is this a reasonable thing to do? What is the likelihood of positive or neutral outcomes?
  • Is it possible to live with the small chance that something negative may happen, given its likelihood is very low?
Adapted from: Accepting Uncertainty, Centre for Clinical Interventions

Worry and anxiety self-help tip #4: Challenge anxious thoughts

If you suffer from chronic anxiety and worries, chances are you look at the world in ways that make it seem more dangerous than it really is. For example, you may overestimate the possibility that things will turn out badly, jump immediately to worst-case scenarios, or treat every negative thought as if it were fact. You may also discredit your own ability to handle life’s problems, assuming you’ll fall apart at the first sign of trouble. These irrational, pessimistic attitudes are known as cognitive distortions.
Although cognitive distortions aren’t based on reality, they’re not easy to give up. Often, they’re part of a lifelong pattern of thinking that’s become so automatic you’re not even completely aware of it. In order to break these bad thinking habits and stop the worry and anxiety they bring, you must retrain your brain.
Start by identifying the frightening thought, being as detailed as possible about what scares or worries you. Then, instead of viewing your thoughts as facts, treat them as hypotheses you’re testing out. As you examine and challenge your worries and fears, you’ll develop a more balanced perspective.

Stop worry by questioning the worried thought:

  • What’s the evidence that the thought is true? That it’s not true?
  • Is there a more positive, realistic way of looking at the situation?
  • What’s the probability that what I’m scared of will actually happen?
  • If the probability is low, what are some more likely outcomes?
  • Is the thought helpful? How will worrying about it help me and how will it hurt me?
  • What would I say to a friend who had this worry?
Cognitive Distortions that Add to Anxiety, Worry, and Stress
All-or-nothing thinking - Looking at things in black-or-white categories, with no middle ground. “If I fall short of perfection, I’m a total failure.”
Overgeneralization - Generalizing from a single negative experience, expecting it to hold true forever. “I didn’t get hired for the job. I’ll never get any job.”
The mental filter - Focusing on the negatives while filtering out all the positives. Noticing the one thing that went wrong, rather than all the things that went right.
Diminishing the positive - Coming up with reasons why positive events don’t count. “I did well on the presentation, but that was just dumb luck.”
Jumping to conclusions - Making negative interpretations without actual evidence. You act like a mind reader, “I can tell she secretly hates me.” Or a fortune teller, “I just know something terrible is going to happen.”
Catastrophizing - Expecting the worst-case scenario to happen. “The pilot said we’re in for some turbulence. The plane’s going to crash!”
Emotional reasoning - Believing that the way you feel reflects reality. “I feel frightened right now. That must mean I’m in real physical danger.”
'Shoulds’ and ‘should-nots’ - Holding yourself to a strict list of what you should and shouldn’t do and beating yourself up if you break any of the rules
Labeling - Labeling yourself based on mistakes and perceived shortcomings. “I’m a failure; an idiot; a loser.”
Personalization - Assuming responsibility for things that are outside your control. “It’s my fault my son got in an accident. I should have warned him to drive carefully in the rain.”

Worry and anxiety self-help tip # 5: Be aware of how others affect you

How you feel is affected by the company you keep, whether you’re aware of it or not. Studies show that emotions are contagious. We quickly “catch” moods from other people—even from strangers who never speak a word (e.g. the terrified woman sitting by you on the plane; the fuming man in the checkout line). The people you spend a lot of time with have an even greater impact on your mental state.
  • Keep a worry diary. You may not be aware of how people or situations are affecting you. Maybe this is the way it’s always been in your family, or you’ve been dealing with the stress so long that it feels normal. You may want to keep a worry diary for a week or so. Every time you start to worry, jot down the thought and what triggered it. Over time, you’ll start to see patterns.
  • Spend less time with people who make you anxious. Is there someone in your life who drags you down or always seems to leave you feeling stressed? Think about cutting back on the time you spend with that person or establish healthier relationship boundaries. For example, you might set certain topics off-limits, if you know that talking about them with that person makes you anxious.
  • Choose your confidantes carefully. Know who to talk to about situations that make you anxious. Some people will help you gain perspective, while others will feed into your worries, doubts, and fears.

Worry and anxiety self-help tip #6: Practice mindfulness

Worrying is usually focused on the future—on what might happen and what you’ll do about it. The centuries-old practice of mindfulness can help you break free of your worries by bringing your attention back to the present. In contrast to the previous techniques of challenging your anxious thoughts or postponing them to a worry period, this strategy is based on observing and then letting them go. Together, they can help you identify where your thinking is causing problems, while helping you get in touch with your emotions.
  • Acknowledge and observe your anxious thoughts and feelings. Don’t try to ignore, fight, or control them like you usually would. Instead, simply observe them as if from an outsider’s perspective, without reacting or judging.
  • Let your worries go. Notice that when you don’t try to control the anxious thoughts that pop up, they soon pass, like clouds moving across the sky. It’s only when you engage your worries that you get stuck.
  • Stay focused on the present. Pay attention to the way your body feels, the rhythm of your breathing, your ever-changing emotions, and the thoughts that drift across your mind. If you find yourself getting stuck on a particular thought, bring your attention back to the present moment.
Using mindfulness meditation to stay focused on the present is a simple concept, but it takes practice to reap the benefits. At first, you’ll probably find that your mind keeps wandering back to your worries. Try not to get frustrated. Each time you draw your focus back to the present, you’re reinforcing a new mental habit that will help you break free of the negative worry cycle.
The information on this blog came from

Monday 19 August 2013

Running and Aromatherapy oils

Do you use essential oils to help your sports performance - running or cycling?

Having just completed the Dublin Rock n Roll half marathon I thought I would share how I used aromatherapy oils before, during and after the run to help my performance and recovery.

I took on the challenge of doing a half marathon having never run before and never entered a race before! I trained a bit but nowhere near enough and I have to say I was a little panicked when the race day was approaching.  I think I ran maybe 5 miles the week before the race and that was will difficulty!  So I turned to my trusted aromatherapy oils for help and boy did the do their job well!

During my training (what little I did). I used my own unique blend of essential oils for 'over exercised muscles oil'. I have had great success with this oil blend for other runners and cyclists.  The oil can be applied before, during and after the race (after a shower).  The combination of cajuet, thyme, lavender and rosemary are excellent for circulation, muscles and joints, reduces aches and pain, inflammation and fluid retention.  Sports people have said it reduces the pain during and after their training or race.  I applied this oil to my legs the night before (with a deep tissue massage) and on the morning of the run.

Testimonial from a client who received an aromatherapy deep tissue massage with the 'over exercised muscles oil', he applied the oil to his legs before and after the cycle too:

"I survived my 220 mile cycle at weekend, with no sore back. Thanks very much for deep tissue massage last week."

For the actual race you can use an amazing blend of basil and bergamot, 'runners competition oil'.  This blend strengthens the muscular system and keeps the rhythm of the body flowing so that peak performance becomes easier.  This oil also effects athletes psyche so inhale the aroma deeply to give you an added boost. You can apply this mixture over your whole body before the event. I applied it over my chest and arms so I could breath in the aroma while using the 'over exercised muscles oil' on my legs as I knew I would suffer pain with these after the run!

That's me just over the finish line of the Dublin Rock n Roll Half Marathon - I really couldn't have done it without the help of the essential oils!

After the run, I showered and applied the 'over exercised oil' over my legs again and for the next fews days too. I did have pain over the first couple of days after the run (as I expected) but it wasn't as bad as I feared.  The oil reduces the muscle pain and I was able to go about my day to day business without much pain. The iced bath the evening of the run also would have helped reduce the pain in my legs too.

The day after the run I had an aromatherapy epsom salt bath.  I had hot water (as hot as I could stand without burning myself), a few cups of epsom salts and added a blend of black-pepper, ginger and eucalyptus essential oils to the bath.  These are all fantastic oils to help you recover from any sports injury or pain and the aroma was just so warming and uplifting.  I felt a million times better after this bath!!

So that's it, I survived and completed my very first 5k, 10k and half marathon (13.1 mile) runs in the one day in 2.5 hours with the help of essential oils - bring on the next race ;).

The encyclopedia of essential oils, Julia Lawless
The complete book of essential oils and aromatherapy, Valerie Ann Worwood

Always consult the advice of a qualified aromatherapist when using essential oils.

If you'd like any more information about the oil blends mentioned in this article, please feel free to contact me The oils are available to purchase from me at Airmid Therapies (made to order).


Friday 26 July 2013

Reflexology In Pregnancy

Reflexology in Pregnancy - can it help?

I have been asked many times if reflexology is helpful during pregnancy - I can say that as a qualified reflexologist and aromatherapist, reflexology does help with pregnancy, both during and after and it can also help with fertility issues too.

Are you feeling tired, uncomfortable, or nauseous in your pregnancy? You may be surprised to know that an ancient form of healing called reflexologycan actually help treat many common pregnancy ailments and even help you during your labour.

What is reflexology?

Reflexology has been around for over 4000, originally practised by the ancient Egyptians and Chinese but it was first recognised in the Western world in 1913 when Dr William Fitzgerald noticed that pressure on specific parts of the body could have an anaesthetising effect on corresponding areas in the body. This was further developed in the 1930s by Eunice Ingham, who defined reflexology as it is practised today.
Reflexology is the technique of applying gentle pressure to the reflexes (pressure points) on the feet or hands to clear the vital energy pathways that can become blocked due to the stresses and strains of life. It is thought that the hands and feet are like mirror images of the body, with various points representing different structures and organs. (see a simple reflexology chart below)
A treatment involves the therapist applying pressure, stretching, and movement to find the blockages and break up patterns of stress, restoring balance and relieving tension. Reflexology treatments can also improve a patient’s circulation and elimination – two very important factors in maintaining good health and well-being.

Is reflexology in pregnancy safe?

Obviously when you are pregnant you want to make sure that everything you do is safe for both you and your baby. Midwife Hannah Hulme Hunter says, “Reflexology is generally considered safe in pregnancy, provided all is well with your pregnancy and your reflexologist knows that you’re pregnant.” However, some reflexologists will not treat a pregnant woman during the first trimester. The Association of Reflexologists (AOR) says that this is due to a misplaced patient fear that reflexology may cause a miscarriage.
“There is no evidence to even suggest that this may be the case,” the AOR says. “However, as miscarriages are more common in the first term of pregnancy, some reflexologists are not prepared to take the risk that the client may blame them should a miscarriage occur.”
In their book, A Complete Guide to Foot Reflexology, authors Kevin and Barbara Kunz say, “A miscarriage is a reaction of the body, NOT a reaction to reflexology. Under no circumstances has reflexology ever been shown to have caused the body to do something it didn't want to do.” Hannah’s advice to expectant mothers would be to contact a qualified reflexologist who specializes in pregnancy for further information.

When should it be avoided?

Although there are very few contraindications to reflexology, it should be undertaken by a qualified practitioner, preferably with experience in all stages of pregnancy.
Kevin Kunz recommends, “Reflexology is like exercise. It should be done gradually and within your comfort range.” However, there are some conditions where reflexology in pregnancy should be avoided altogether and these include:
  • Pre-term labour – at any time before 37 weeks gestation
  • Placenta previa – if Grade II or III after 32 weeks gestation
  • Hydroamnios – if there is too much amniotic fluid around the baby
    after 32 weeks gestation
Suzanne Ezner, a midwife and reflexologist, also advises women with some conditions to seek medical advice before having reflexology. These include:
  • Women with a risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
  • Women with a risk of pre-eclampsia
She also suggests that in cases where the mother-to be is diabetic she should be asked to check her blood sugar before and after treatments, as reflexology helps to balance the endocrine system and insulin production.

How can it help?

The Association of Reflexologists says, “Nearly everyone can benefit from having reflexology during pregnancy.”
Babyworld moderator and complementary therapist Lynne Morgan says, “It is very successful in the treatment of a wide variety of pregnancy discomforts and conditions. “During labour itself, it can be used for relaxation and pain relief and research has shown that women who have regular reflexology treatments during pregnancy have far shorter labours than those who don’t.” Practitioner Valerie Lowe recommends that both expectant parents have reflexology during pregnancy to help couples during the emotional changes of pregnancy and birth. Other benefits include:
  • Relief from common pregnancy ailments such as morning sickness, back
    ache, fluid retention and swelling
  • Adjusting to the demands of coping with a new baby
  • Support as your menstrual cycle returns to normal
As well as this, much research has shown that reflexology is excellent for maintaining or increasing milk supply as well as helping with postnatal depression and general relaxation.
If you'd like anymore information on reflexology in pregnancy or would like to book a treatment, you can contact me at 

I wish you well on your pregnancy journey.
Kind Regards

Some of the information above has been sourced from

Friday 19 July 2013

Is a complementary therapy treatment a necessity or a pamper session?

"Your treatment and relaxation beigns when you travel down the drive at Airmid Therapies"

Having a complementary therapy treatment is something different, yes it’s a treat, to some, it's even a luxury.  But there is also another side to receiving sessions of a complementary therapy. Not only are they relaxing and de-stressing, they have many benefits which are not often considered. For too long, complementary therapies have been seen as just a treat, now is the time to realise they can help general well-being and your overall health. 

There are a wide range of therapies available which may help many aliments including: reducing stress, tension, anxiety and brings about deep relaxation, improves mood and sleep, helps asthma sufferers, depression, digestive disorders such as IBS, migraines and many other stress related conditions. Boosts the immune system, eases joints, improving mobility and improves such conditions as arthritis and rheumatic disorders, increases energy and stimulates creativity and productivity.

What do you know about some of the most common complementary therapies?


Reflexology is a science that teaches that every gland, organ and part of the body is reflected in the feet and hands and that by working on these areas, balance is restored to the body. The therapist applies pressure to the feet using specific thumb, finger and hand techniques.

Aromatherapy is the controlled and therapeutic use of essential oils from plant extracts. Different methods are used to enhance the well-being of the mind, body and spirit such as massage, bath, inhalation and compresses. Massage is one of the oldest and best methods to use aromatherapy.  Aromatherapy can also be applied through cosmetic items like creams and gels which can be tailor made.  The essential oils have many different properties such as anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-infectious, anti-rheumatic, anti-septic to name a few.
Massage is a hands-on treatment in which the therapist manipulates muscles and soft tissues of the body. It helps relieve muscle tension, reduce stress and bring about a feeling of calmness.  During the treatment towels are used to ensure your modesty. Promotes deep relaxation, Eases joints and improves such conditions as arthritis and rheumatic disorders therefore improving mobility, assists in alleviating fatigue both physical and mental.

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes the body's natural healing system.  The recipient lies on a couch or in a comfortable seated position. They remain fully clothed at all times. The therapist places their hands on or above the recipient and uses a sequence of hand positions over the whole body. Each hand position can be held for 3 to 5 minutes. Reiki aims to balance the body by unblocking energy within our bodies.

Indian Head Massage is a massage treatment that works specifically on the areas surrounding the head, scalp and face, neck and extending to the shoulders, upper back and arms.  The recipient sits on a low chair and leans on a couch.  Indian Head Massage has been know to reduce stress, improve hair condition, increase energy levels and improve circulation.

Note: Complementary Therapies are not a substitute for medical treatment nor is it a diagnostic system. Always consult a GP or other health professional for medical attention and advice.
For more information on the therapies mentioned above visit our website here
If you'd like a treatment call Anne-Marie on 07708382931 or email Airmid Therapies and see